perm filename INDEX[DOC,BGB] blob sn#095882 filedate 1974-04-05 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	~I0,0λ2FA
C00008 00003	~W1,1260I150,0F.
C00011 ENDMK


000	NULL	No operation.
001	 ↓	Push stack down.
	α↓	Rotate stack down.
002	 α	Control key prefix.
003	 β	Meta key prefix.
004	 ∧	PVT, Positive vertex link.
005	 ¬	Evert Body.
	α¬	Body Subtraction.
006	 ε	Meta-Control keys prefix.
007	 π	Set rotation strength, RDEL.
010	 λ	Set translation strength, TDEL.
011	TAB	No operation.
012	LF	No operation.
013	VT	No operation.
014	FF	No operation.
015	CR	Reset iteration count.
016	 ∞	Instant cube.
	α∞	Instant torus.
	β∞	Crosseyed stereo.
017	 ∂	Datum display Toggle.
	α∂	Datum display format Toggle.
020	 ⊂	BRO, parts tree link.
021	 ⊃	SIS, parts tree link.
022	 ∩	DAD, parts tree link.
	α∩	Body Intersection.
023	 ∪	SON, parts tree link.
	α∪	Body Union.
024	 ∀	Enable all body motions.
	α∀	Disable frame  motion.
	β∀	Disable vertex motion.
	ε∀	Disable parts  motion.
025	 ∃	Comment prefix.
	 ∃	Print comment.
	β∃	Wait for character.
	ε∃	Print comment and wait.
026	 ⊗	Push universe node into stack.
027	 ↔	Swap stack elements 1 and 2.
	α↔	Swap stack elements 1 and 3.
	β↔	Swap stack elements 1 and last.
	ε↔	Swap stack elements 2 and 3.
030	 _	Sticky  ALT display refresh.
	α_	Sticky αALT display refresh.
	β_	Sticky βALT display refresh.
	ε_	Sticky εALT display refresh.
031	 →	ALT2, link fetch.
032	TILDE	No operation.
033	 ≠	No operation.
034	 ≤	NED, link fetch.
035	 ≥	PED, link fetch.
036	 ≡	Toggle status display enable.
	α≡	Toggle window display enable.
037	 ∨	NVT, link fetch.
040	SPACE	Display refresh.
041	 !	Set translation default.
042	 "	No operation.
043	 #	Clear page printer.
	α#	Enter DDT.
044	 $	Make convex.
	α$	Edge slurp.
045	 %	Set DDEL, dilation strength.
046	 &	No operation.
047	 '	No operation.
050	 (	Euclidean transformation minus Y.
051	 )	Euclidean transformation plus  Y.
052	 *	Euclidean transformation plus  Z.
053	 +	Fetch other face or vertex.
054	 ,	Fetch clockwise.
055	 -	Euclidean transformation minus Z.
056	 .	Fetch counter clockwise.
057	 /	Halve strength of transformation.
060-071		DIGITS 0 THRU 9
072	 :	Euclidean transformation plus X.
073	 ;	Euclidean transformation minus X.
074	 <	NFACE, link fetch.
075	 =	No operation.
076	 >	PFACE, link fetch.
077	 ?	Information prefix.
100	 @	Set rotation default.
101	 A	Attach.
	βA	Cycle Axis count.
102	 B	Body of a face, edge or vertex.
	αB	Retrieve body by numeral or by name.
103	 C	Copy.
	αC	Push now camera into the stack.
104	 D	Detach.
	αD	Darken.
	εD	Undarken.
105	 E	Make edge and vertex.
	εE	Exit GEOMED.
106	 F	Step frame selector forwards.
	αF	Accept focal plane distance.
	βF	Step frame selector backwards.
107	 G	Glue face-face.
110	 H	Help display.
111	 I	Input B3D.
	αI	Input CAM.
	βI	Input CRE.
	εI	Input GEM.
112	 J	Join vertex-vertex.
113	 K	Kill entity.
	αK	Kill edge and vertex.
114	 L	Face, edge, vertex lights toggle.
	αL	Body lights toggle.
	βL	Frame of reference lights toggle.
115	 M	Midpoint and edge.
116	 N	Name a body.
117	 O	Output B3D.
	αO	Output CAM.
	βO	Output V2D.
	εO	Output GEM.
120	 P	Plot file output.
121	 Q	Toggle frame origin switch.
122	 R	Rotation completion.
123	 S	Sweep cylinder.
	αS	Sweep pyramid.
	βS	Sweep cylinder edges not sharp.
	εS	Sweep pyramid  edges not sharp.
124	αT	Take a simulated picture.
125	 U	Unmove a body.
126	 V	Make vertex body.
	αV	Retrieve Nth vertex of a body.
	βV	Make body node.
127	 W	Make window in now display ring.
	αW	Make window in a new display ring.
	βW	Make new world at end of world ring.
130	 X	Extended command scanner:
	PLACE <x> <y> <z>
	ORIENT <pan> <tilt> <swing>
	CUBIC <X width> <Y height> <Z depth>
	BALL  <radius> <M longitudes> <N latitudes>
	CYLN  <radius> <N sides> <Z length>
	CUT <x> <y> <z>
	SILOUHETTE <zmin> <zmax>
131	 Y	No operation.
132	βZ	Read commands from GEO text file.
133	 [	No operation.
134	 \	Double strength of transformation.
135	 ]	No operation.
136	 ↑	Pop stack.
	α↑	Rotate stack upwards.
137	 ←	ALT link fetch.
	α←	Step thru simulated image ring of now camera.
140	 `	No operation.
141 THRU 172	Lower case letters same as upper case.
173	 {	Step now display backwards.
	α{	Step now  world  backwards.
	β{	Step now camera  backwards.
174	 |	Invert edge linear orientation.
175	 ALT	Display refresh with hidden lines eliminated.
	αALT	Display refresh with backside faces eliminated.
	βALT	Display refresh with everything visible.
	εALT	Display refresh with OCCULT diagonostics.
176	 }	Step now display forwards.
	α}	Step now  world  forwards.
	β}	Step now camera  forwards.
177	RUBOUT	No operation.